first, choose your software
Pro Quick Draw is a plug-in to Visio and PowerPoint. If you know either of these softwares well, you're halfway to learning Pro Quick Draw. If you're making the switch, it's a personal preference whether you use PowerPoint or Visio with Pro Quick Draw.

- Easy to learn
- Great for presentations
- Comes standard with most Microsoft Suites

- More robust drawing tools
- Preferred choice among NFL & FBS coaches
- Not included in standard Microsoft Suite
Our platform was created and tested by a team of active football coaches to bring you relevant solutions.
starter tools
Coach's tools included with Pro Quick Draw to expedite drawing
play editor
- View/Sort/Filter your Catapult video library inside of PowerPoint & Visio
- Import your data from breakdown games into slides
- Create scout Cards, reports, tips & reminders with data from Catapult
- Send cutups back to Thunder
- View cutups in the Catapult Thunder Universal Player
- Add video from a cutup directly into a PowerPoint
- Import PFF data or play diagrams to customize and display within PowerPoint or Visio
- Use with your PFF data to create scout cards, reports, tips & reminders
- Edit PFF Drawings from your cutup, allowing you to 'Save As' .PPT or .VSDX
- Access PFF Data within PQD to sort and filter cutups
- Filter jersey labels within drawings
- Take Visio & PowerPoint drawings from PQD to GoArmy Edge's 3D simulation
- Convert custom PFF drawings directly to GoArmy Edge
- Import GoArmy Edge playbooks into Pro Quick Draw
- Access content from L2W to use inside PowerPoint presentations
- Bring your PQD drawings into L2W to transform into teaching lessons
- Seamlessly weave video and data directly into your playbooks
- Two-way integration allows you to load your PQD presentation into QwikCut and vice versa
- One-way integration to link your Hudl video library directly with PowerPoint to embed in presentations
- Bring your Hudl columns into PowerPoint to create scout cards
✅ Pro Quick Draw is a plug-in for Microsoft Visio & PowerPoint
✅ PC Windows compatible
✅ Must have a local version of Microsoft Visio (2013 or higher) or PowerPoint (2013 or higher)
❌ Not compatible with Mac unless using the software Parallels or another Virtual Machine software that runs Windows
❌ Not compatible with Office 365 Cloud based platform or Chromebooks at this time
In what platform did you draw them in?
- If bringing from Playmaker Pro or GoArmy Edge - no. We have integrations to bring the files in. See more here.
- For those bringing in .VSDX and .PPT files, you will not need to re-draw your files, but you will need to copy + paste them into individual files.
- If you are bringing in drawings from any other playbook platform, yes. However, the speed you can build your library will be expedited through the powerful features we have. Please refer to the 'Save As' function.
Once your files are in Pro Quick Draw, they are in .VSDX or .PPT which means they belong to you and live in your folder system, not the program and can be carried with you anywhere you go.
We offer individual licenses and team licenses. For coaches using on a staff sharing drawings, you can work simultaneously on the same files by connecting your folder system to a shared drive such as:
- Local network drive
- Google Shared drive
- Microsoft OneDrive
We offer a variety of products and services for all levels of Football. To better serve you, we need to understand what league you coach in. Please fill out the trial request form and enter in the appropriate league.
Absolutely not! Everything you create in Visio or PowerPoint using Pro Quick Draw is yours to keep because our Library of Plays and Templates are attached to a drive on your own personal network, not in the program. Plus, the files are in .VSDX or .PPT, a universal file format to carry with you.
You can use your iPad with Pro Quick Draw, but not to edit your playbook. You can use the iPad to hand-draw your plays with an Apple Pencil in the drawing feature in PowerPoint and bring into PQD. You can also present everything you make in Pro Quick Draw on iPads, by exporting to a .PDF and sharing to your drive (ie: Google Slides) to view on the iPad.