Overview of Staff Responsibilities using Pro Quick Draw
Use this chart to help set a foundation of roles/responsibilities for the IT, Video & Coaching Staff

- Account Owner: Manage Dashboard
- Manage licenses and users
- Download ProQuickDraw.MSI and Install
- Delete Machines
- Download Pro Quick Draw Video Tools and Run Installer
- This is needed if your team has purchased the Integrations Package. Video tools will allow data from Catapult to sync with Pro Quick Draw.
- Assist with the library folder structure on the network. Help establish a shared drive for the coaches to host their material
- Troubleshoot Assistance - various issues may come up and assistance is needed from IT regarding permissions on the machine.
- Assist with Travel Needs: When travelling off-site help coaches establish their shared network to share their files.
- Account Owner: Manage Dashboard
- Manage licenses and users
- Download ProQuickDraw.MSI and Install
- Delete Machines
- Download Pro Quick Draw Video Tools and Run Installer
- This is needed if your team has purchased the Integrations Package. Video tools will allow data from Catapult to sync with Pro Quick Draw.
- Assist with the library folder structure on the network. Help establish a shared drive for the coaches to host their material
- Troubleshoot Assistance - various issues may come up and assistance is needed from IT regarding permissions on the machine.
- Assist with Travel Needs: When travelling off-site help coaches establish their shared network to share their files.
- Catapult Thunder SSO Admin: Apply the checkbox to the user profile for the PQD API.
- Understand how to use the software.